Trip Report: St Edwards Park

Day Hiking St Edwards Park

On June 1st Jack hit me up to do some local day hiking. It's been such a long time since we adventured together, I jumped at the chance.


Info: St. Edwards Park offers 6 trails with two considered the main trails. The park is considered a wilderness gem inside the city and is spread over 80 acres with a creek, pools, small waterfalls. If you want to bring a pet, they are allowed as well.
Address: 7301 Spicewood Springs Rd., Austin 78759
Admission Cost: free
Difficulty: easy to intermediate

The Adventure

We made it out to the trailhead with no issues and took a look at the area map to decide which trails to explore. After deciding we would do a sampling of green and brown trails we headed out.

As we started off, we quickly met a group just socializing in the middle of a trail intersection with multiple little and unleashed dogs. Thankfully, the girls remained calm and we moved past without incident. Not much further, we quickly realized what a hot day it was and it felt like we were hiking in a sauna with all the humidity. As we headed down towards Bull Creek, the trail was muddy in more than a few spots.

We ended up at a small dam, where I walked across to take a few pictures and BeeGee did some wading. Angela hating water wanted no part of it and hung back with Jack. After that, we paralleled the creek for a bit before he intersected the road and used that to cross over the creek. Then it was all uphill on a rocky trail similar to the type of trail I've come to expect in central Texas.

We reached what appeared to be the highest point of the trail after a handful of minutes, which led us to a 4x4 track. Not sure if this was still the Brown trail or access road, we decided to start back down; however, we spotted a side route and took that instead. This turned out to be an amazing decision. After walking a few steep ups and downs, we found ourselves on a ridge trail with a fabulous and picturesque view of the surrounding area.

For me, the view made my entire trip and after soaking it in we started our hike up and back towards the trailhead. There were a few more steep inclines and declines on the way out and at least 1 or 2 guesses on which of the spider web like trails was the way out. We just kept searching for the creek in the lowlands and before we knew it, we were back at the trailhead. This is an area I intend to further explore with BeeGee and Angela, but it will have to wait for cooler weather so can see the entire park in a single go.

Let us know your experience hiking in St Edwards Park and any recommendation on which route to take. Also, if you like the blog follow us on Facebook to keep up to date. 


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