Trip Report: Zombie Apocalypse Live

Zombie Survival at House of Torment

Normally going to a haunted house wouldn’t be the best use of my time, but throw in some zombies and I’m all about it. It turned out to be a fun and amazing trip with my friend David. If you have any interest in a Zombie Apocalypse Live check out their tour dates here.

destroyed car at Austin at House of Torment
Zombie Apocalypse Live Logo

Normally going to a haunted house wouldn’t be the best use of my time, but throw in some zombies and I’m all about it. It turned out to be a fun and amazing trip with my friend David I wasn’t sure what to expect from a zombie haunted house that used CO2 powered laser guns and figured it would be fairly easy with a few cheap scares. But it turned out to be the right amount of intense with a few white-knuckle moments. Unfortunately, they don’t allow photography or videos once you enter the building.

destroyed car at Austin at House of Torment
Crushed VW Bug outside to set the ambiance 

Our time slot was at 7:30 and we arrived 10 minutes before, and staff shuffled us into a line to sign waivers and receive wristbands. There were 3 types of wristbands available: recruit, special, and elite that provide various mission lengths and the amount of ammo. We chose elite, so received ammo reloads at each station and continued our mission into the special ops area.

Zombie running around as we wait for our turn
Zombie running around as we wait for our turn

It wasn’t too much longer before it was our turn to enter the building, just 3 rooms until the excitement began. The rules were explained to us, we picked up our CO2 powered M4s, and we took a man date photo before charging into the unknown.

I snuck a picture in the brightest location. It's a creepy doll under a lamp.
I snuck a picture in the brightest location. It's a creepy doll under a lamp.

David took point and led us into the darkness. Now if you have ever been into a haunted house you can imagine the narrow hallways, small rooms with horror movie settings, strobe lights, darkness, fog, and limited visibility. That is exactly what we experienced except zombies were jumping out and you had to shoot them to make them stop attacking. Each zombie was wearing a headband that would activate and vibrate when they were shot.

David and I pose for a picture right before we head off on our mission.
David and I pose for a picture right before we head off on our mission.

We slowly flowed through rooms and each had a zombie or two that needed to be dispatched quickly, while some zombies seemed even harder to kill and required both of us to take it down. Once you cleared a room, you still weren’t safe as zombies would reanimate and chase you out of their room.

David enjoying a Zombie after we successfully completed our mission.
David enjoying a Zombie after we successfully completed our mission.

At the end of the day, our adventure took us through 2 separate zombie houses, 4 reload points, and ended at a gift shop. It ended up being the perfect length, so that become overwhelmed and stop jumping. If Zombie Apocalypse Live returns next year I will definitely give it another try.

Let me know your experiences with zombie houses. Also, if you like the blog follow us on Facebook to keep up to date.


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