Trip Report: Zombie Apocalypse Live

Zombie Survival at House of Torment Normally going to a haunted house wouldn’t be the best use of my time, but throw in some zombies and I’m all about it. It turned out to be a fun and amazing trip with my friend David. If you have any interest in a Zombie Apocalypse Live check out their tour dates here . Zombie Apocalypse Live Logo Normally going to a haunted house wouldn’t be the best use of my time, but throw in some zombies and I’m all about it. It turned out to be a fun and amazing trip with my friend David I wasn’t sure what to expect from a zombie haunted house that used CO2 powered laser guns and figured it would be fairly easy with a few cheap scares. But it turned out to be the right amount of intense with a few white-knuckle moments. Unfortunately, they don’t allow photography or videos once you enter the building. Crushed VW Bug outside to set the ambiance Our time slot was at 7:30 and we arrived 10 minutes before, and staff shuffled u...