How to Start a Fire in a Survival Situation (Videos)

Adventure With BeeGee Fire Starting Mashup Today we have a mashup of all the fire starting videos Jack has made over the years (we will continue to update as we explore new and exciting fire starting techniques). These various methods can be used while hiking, camping, during a disaster, for prepping or just for fun. So have a watch and I hope you enjoy our videos. Jack using one of his backup techniques to light a fire Fire Starting with a 9-Volt Battery In this video, Jack walks everyone through the simple steps of using a 9-volt battery to ignite steel wool. While this might no be the best backup method for hiking, it has a valuable use during a disaster. Fire Starting with Hand Sanitizer In this video Jack shows us how easy it is starting a fire using a little hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer can be found everywhere and most people even take it outdoors on adventures. Not only is hand sanitizer good at keeping your hands clean, all the ...