Gear Review: Life Outdoorz Hammock Straps

Hammock Hanging with My Life Outdoorz Straps

I was excited to get a new set of hammock straps because it’s been way too long since I’ve used my hammock.  Life Outdoorz hammock straps forced me to re-commit in mixing my hammock back into my adventure rotation.  With that said, I decided to head out on a camping trip with my dog BeeGee.  The straps are 10 feet long and 2 inches wide coming in at 23oz and the incredible ability to hold 2,204 pounds.  The straps are wrapped around a tree, fed back through a metal O-Ring, and then 1 of the carabiners hooks onto your hammock.  While you are at it, check out Check out the Life Outdoorz website; however, be prepared because the website is extremely underwhelming.

using our Life Outdoorz Hammock Straps
BeeGee and me in our hammock getting ready for bed

As it turns out BeeGee isn't a huge fan of being in a hammock.  I guess the rocking and it feels too unstable for her to get comfortable.  I hoped by putting a bug net around the hammock, it would help her settle down.  That was not the case and she never really came to terms with hammock hanging.  I guess I need to spend more time getting her use to the hammock, or maybe not.

The Good Stuff

When first looking at my new straps, my first thought was “wow these things look durable and sturdy”.  I think the straps look a lot like seat belts and that means no stretch.  The strength and anti-stretch ability was tested by BeeGee (my dog), all our gear, and me all in our 2-person hammock.  The straps held us just fine and there was no stretch to be seen.  Furthermore, once you have found 2 trees for hanging your hammock, it’s a breeze to actually hook your hammock to the straps.  Life Outdoorz claims 2 minutes, but I don’t think I was actually that fast though.  Finally, the wide strap protects the trees you are using to hang from.  There was no noticeable damage to the tree bark after our trip.

using Life Outdoorz Hammock Straps
Wrap your straps around a tree and they hook right up to your hammock

The Issues

The straps, O-rings, and carabiners are heavy.  These are great for use in the back yard or car camping, but I wouldn’t take these straps on an extending hiking or backpacking trip.  It is simply one of the tradeoffs, a little more weight for a lot more durability.  Finally, the design can be a little difficult to use.  If the 2 trees you decide to hang from aren’t very close, you will end up hanging too low or won’t have enough slack to hook up to your hammock.  I assume a hammock master wouldn’t have these issues, but I did.  I had to experiment with multiple trees before a founding a suitable pair.

using Life Outdoorz Hammock Straps
Straps wrapped around a tree, no stretch here

Final Thoughts

These straps aren’t made from the lightest fanciest materials, but they are durable and a good set of budget straps that will get the job done without any major issues.  I think these are a great set of starter straps and I plan to use these as my loaner set for anyone who wants to give hammock hanging a try.  I received this product for free to provide an honest review.  

Are you a hammock hanger, if so what do you use to hang your hammock, rope, or straps?  I’d love to know your thoughts.  I'd love to know your thoughts.  If you’re looking to stay updated on BeeGee’s adventures, go ahead and follow us on Facebook.


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