Recipe: Backpacking Pancakes

Easy Backpacking Pancakes

I have been on the lookout for new recipes to try on our trips.  One of these recipes was for easy pancakes, which I tried during our trip to Pedernales Falls State Park.  I usually just eat instant oatmeal for breakfast, but I decided there might be something even better out there.

Tasted and approved at Pedernales Falls State Park
A finished backpacking pancake.  Tasted and approved

Original Ingredients

  • 1 cup biscuit mix
  • 1 Tbsp. dry milk
  • 1 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1 Tbsp. margarine squeeze
Serves: Approximately 6

Our Ingredients

  • 1 cup biscuit mix
  • 1 Tbsp. dry milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 Tbsp. butter or 1 Tbsp. ghee
Serves: Approximately 6

At Home

Before heading out, mix all of the dry ingredients into a quart size zip lock bag (a larger size bag might not be a bad idea either). Then mix everything in the bag well by squeezing and mashing.
Original dry ingredients:  biscuit mix, dry milk, and sugar.
Our dry ingredients:  biscuit mix, dry milk, and protein powder.

Pancake mix and butter packed and ready to hit the trail
Pancake mix and butter packed and ready to hit the trail

On the Trail

When preparing your mix for breakfast, start by adding ghee, margarine, or melted butter to the zip lock bag.  Next, add warm water.  Warm water will make blending your mix easier.  Then squish your bag until you remove any visible clumps or lumps.  If there are still clumps, add water as needed to get consistent mix.

finished backpacking pancake mixed
Backpacking pancakes all mixed up and ready to be cooked

Once mixed, you can either just pour the pancake mix into your pan or cut a corner of the bag and squeeze the mix out.  Cook until the side down becomes golden brown or about 1 minute in a hot pan.  Then flip your pancake and cook until golden brown or around another minute.

Final Thoughts

I ended up not using sugar because the biscuit mix already quite a bit already.  Plus, I felt like the protein mix would add sweetness if it was needed and would keep me fuller longer.  Moreover, I am not sure this would actually feed 6 people without anything else (like bacon), more likely 3 to 4 people.  Furthermore, I always carry 1.5 ounces of honey for sweetening oatmeal or coffee.  Honey works great for pancakes, which reduces the need to add another item, syrup.  Finally, the pancake mix takes up a surprisingly large amount of room when compared to other foods.   Without reducing it down to 1 to 2 person serving size, I don’t think it’s a very good backpacking recipe.

If you've ever made pancakes on the trail, what was your method and mix?  Keep up to date on all our adventures and post by following us on Facebook.


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