Our Wish List for 2015

Our Goals and Wishes for 2015

It is only tradition to prepare a set of goals for the New Year’s, and we have been thinking about all the fun things that we would like to do in 2015.  More likely, these goals will end up being more of a wish list than anything else.  I asked everyone about his or her goals and this is what we came up with.

hoping all our wishes come true!
BeeGee getting in the holiday spirit and hoping all our wishes come true!

BeeGee’s Wish List

1.  BeeGee’s biggest goal/wish for 2015 is spending as much time as possible in the outdoors or wilderness with her human companions.  She loves being outdoors with her friends
2.  BeeGee’s second goal is to run through at least 20 different swamps or murky water.  It feels good, cools her off, and there are just so many amazing smells.
3.  Her third wish for me to let her chase the stray cats we come across in our adventures and around our apartment.  Unfortunately, she probably won’t have this wish come true, just for everybody’s safety.
4.  Her final wish is that it is a good year for lizards.  BeeGee loves finding lizards on our hikes and trying to pounce on them as they hide on the edge of trails.  She has never been successful in catching one, but she will keep trying.

Jack’s Wish List

1.  Jack’s first wish is to fully explore the Enchanted Rock State Nature Area.  This includes walking to the highest point and exploring the caves in the park.
2.  His second wish would be to backpack Palo Duro Canyon State Park.  The canyon is the second deepest in the USA (the Grand Canyon is the only deeper canyon) and has over 30 miles of trails to explore.
3.  Jack’s third wish is to hike Longhorn Cavern State Park.  There are multiple tours available at the cave system, including a paranormal tour during the evenings.
4.  Jack’s final wish is to backpack Colorado Bend.  This park has it all with 32 miles of trails, caving, and swimming.

Linda’s Wish List

1.  Linda’s first wish would be to go fully into remission.  She is currently struggling with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and this makes getting outdoors difficult.
2.  Linda’s second wish is to spend some time hiking in Scandinavia.  One amazing place she would love to hike is Kungsleden, Sweden.

Athena’s Wish List

1.  Athena would really like to visit McDonald’s Observatory in west Texas.  It’s a great place to visit and to see all those stars.
2.  Athena would also like to visit Enchanted Rock State Nature Area.  It has been a few years since she has explored the area and would love to get back out there.

Jarrett’s Wish List

1.  My first wish would be to spend around a week in Palo Duro Canyon State Park.  Just like Jack, I think this park has a lot to offer. 
2.  For my second wish, I would like to complete my first thru hike on the Lone Star Hiking Trail.  The trail is 130 ish miles long, but I would love to have an official thru hike under my belt. 
3.  My final wish, and most unlikely would be to take a backpacking and packraft trip.  I would backpack in Big Bend National Park and then packraft down the Rio Grande. 

If you could do anything you wanted, what would be your ultimate outdoor adventure in 2015?  If you like the blog, go ahead and follow us on Facebook.


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