Book Review: Backpacking: The Ultimate Guide

A Book Review Covering Backpacking: The Ultimate Guide

Today I am going to do a book review covering Backpacking: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started on your First Backpacking Trip. This book was a pretty short and quick read. Plus, the book can provide some excellent knowledge to beginners and their quest to improve your adventure skills. If you want to see even more book reviews, you can check out all our past book reviews here.

Backpacking: The Ultimate Guide

The Background

Backpacking: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started on your First Backpacking Trip is approximately 36-page book written by Timothy S. Morris. Morris is a self-publisher and has a few other books covering prepper topics. The Ultimate Guide is available in eBook and paperback and I have the eBook version. Finally, Morris’s goal was to cover all the basic fundamentals of backpacking.

I purchased it to see if there was anything that could be useful in my future adventures. I constantly strive to increase my knowledge and skill set. Plus, I was able to grab it while it was available for free (I love a bargain). For everyone who missed the deal, the eBook is available for $2.99 and the paperback for $8.63. 

The Good Stuff

I highly recommend this guidebook to anyone who is new to backpacking or need a place to start. Moreover, Morris appears to have experience backpacking and everything I read seemed like solid advice. In addition, every basic concept needed to backpack was touched. The content itself is an easy read and pretty entertaining (for a backpacking guide book at least). I was able to breeze right through the book without getting bored. Finally, there is a good checklist at the end in an appendix. This will help the beginners or experienced backpackers determine a good packing list and will ensure all that gear makes it out to the trail. 

The Not So Good

While I have mostly praise for Backpacking: The Ultimate Guide, there are a few issues. The first being the title is misleading. This is hardly the ultimate guide because the book itself is so short. Although almost every topic is covered, there isn’t always a great amount of detail available. An example of this is in the “Choosing the Perfect Pack” section. Morris discusses the different kinds of packs on the market and basic guidelines to load a pack, but provides no information on how to tighten a pack so it will fit on the user comfortably. Therefore, other books or sources will be needed to learn about more in depth about subjects; however, this isn’t a huge issue because everyone should continue their quest for knowledge into more specific topics. 

Final Thoughts

If you are beginner or want to get in on backpacking, than this book will set you on the right path. It’s an easy read and has the information you need to get started. Plus, if you can get the eBook on sale, go ahead and pick it up! However, the normal price is a little step for only 36ish pages, but I feel it is worth the price as a starting point.

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Jarrett Morgan


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