Recipe: Mash Potatoes and Salami

Mash Potatoes and Salami

For a quick post and another blog first, I will be posting one of my favorite backpacking recipes.  When I am backpacking I try and balance good taste and light weight.  This recipe is fairly compact and has a decent calorie density.  The combined meal has 282 calories.


¼ of your favorite salami
1 packet of instant mashed potatoes
2 tablespoons of ghee/butter or 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil
1.5 tablespoons of powdered milk
Your favorite seasonings

At Home

Write the liquid instructions on the mashed potatoes package or on the container you plan to carry this meal.  For your oil, you can use butter, olive oil, or ghee.  If the weather is nice feel free to use butter, but if its hot switch to ghee (ghee is butter that has had its liquid portion boiled away) or olive oil because they pack easier.  Finally, add your powdered milk to a small container.

so I don't forget how much water later
Labeled Mashed Potatoes, so I don't forget 

On the Trail

Add 12 oz of water to your pot with your choice of oil.  Then, cover the pot, boil the water, and slice/dice your salami.  Next, remove your water from the heat source and add the powdered milk and extra 4 oz of water.  Now, put your salami into your skillet lid and heat it while you stir the potato mix.  Finally, add the salami and grease the potato mix and stir.  That is my amazingly simple instant potato and salami recipe.  Feel free to add more water at the end to bring your potatoes to your preferred constancy.  

Oil bottle, Powdered Milk bottle, and Ghee/Butter Container (left to right)
Some of my food containers: Oil bottle, Powdered Milk bottle, and Ghee/Butter Container (left to right)

If you've got any suggestions to improve this recipe or any recipe you'd like to share please let me know.

Jarrett Morgan


  1. New to me!! IMHO, just cannot go wrong with Salami!! NM

    1. I love salami. Some trips I just have some salami and sharp cheddar for a quick lunch. So good.

  2. Hot dogs work good with mashed potatoes (put in some velveeta too)


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