Trip Report: Frazee Beach, California

Trip Report: Frazee Beach, California Today we have another guest post, but this time its from long time college friend Athena. She spends her time all over, like Texas and California. While she was in California she was kind enough to write a trip report on a fun beach adventure. I like my adventures pretty casual. The less work I have to put into getting out and doing it, the better. I am a lazy adventurer. That is why one of my favorite pastimes is going to the beach, particularly, Southern California beach. The weather is almost always perfect for going out and relaxing in the cool sand and getting your feet wet in the frigid Pacific. I find myself in Carlsbad, CA (Northern San Diego) at the end of August and what a glorious time to be here it is. This is the hottest part of the year here (83 degrees Fahrenheit…ha!) and with no A/C in the house, the beach is the best place to be. These people know what’s up. I am currently conducting a weeklong end-of-su...