Changes to Adventures With BeeGee

A Few Changes to Adventures With BeeGee
Today Adventures With BeeGee has three big announcements all rolled into one post.  The first exciting change is a new web address for the blog.  The second and third are Jack and Dustin have decided to join Team Adventures With BeeGee officially.  So look forward for more exciting content a new address by two great authors!

Introducing the New Website
Tomorrow, Thursday, Adventures With BeeGee will change its web address.  The new address will be a little shorter,  However, if you use the old address, it will still get you to the blog.  I hope the shorter address makes it a little easier for everyone to remember.  Also, if you can’t get to the blog on Thursday, it is most likely because I am in the process of switching over.  I hope you will forgive any annoyances with the switch and keep coming back.

Introducing Jack
Hi everyone.  My name is Jack Morgan and I am Jarrett's younger brother by seven years. I don't like the outdoors as much as BeeGee does, but I do love being outside very much. I am from the Austin, Texas area. I currently work at a hardware store selling firearms and lumber. In addition, I go to school for code welding. Plus, I spend most of my outdoors time playing paintball, mostly at Petty’s Paintball. I lean more towards the extreme sports like shooting, skateboarding, and paintball but still love camping and a good hike. I'm looking forward to being able to go on sweet adventures with BeeGee in the future because it’s always much more fun when you are able to do things with family and friends. #teammate
he is an animal lover
Jack petting an escaped kangaroo at Busch Gardens

Introducing Dustin
My wife jenny and I have been residents of San Antonio, Texas since 2012 and, like my cousin; have spent a few years in an extremely humid environment. In my case, it was Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Having grown up in South Central Texas, I'm used to the heat here. While I truly enjoy all of the physical exertion of any outdoor activity, my favorite part of any trip is getting outfitted with the stuff I think I might need. Rarely are what I think I need and what I actually need the same thing, but I'm sure under the tutelage of Jarrett that will quickly be remedied.

Looking stylish
Dustin and Jenny

If you have any thoughts or suggestions for the future, don't hesitate to share. Also, if you like the blog, please follow us on Facebook.

Jarrett Morgan


  1. Thank you so much for introducing our delicious hibiscus tea all the way from the Nile Valley. You are making a difference in many lives back in my village community on the Nile in Nubia. Most of the proceeds go to help the village community with much needed projects , from safe clean drinking water to computers to school supplies, to wheelchairs for polio victims, to health clinic to combating malaria our latest program. thank you again, my god bless awad

    1. Thank you for commenting. I am glad we are supporting clean drinking water.


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