A Little Early October News

News From Early October/Late September

I try to keep up on the outdoors news and share it because I think it’s important for us all to know what is going on.  Plus, it gives me the chance to learn and dream about all the cool places and things I want to do all over the country.  The news this month covers a new (possible) fee for photos in Forest Service lands, volunteering and mountain biking, and free admission days to national parks.  Also, I threw in a bonus news piece on an upcoming sale event. 

The IMBA's Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

On Saturday, October 4th, the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) is hosting its 11th annual take a kid mountain biking day.  The weather is finally starting to cool off some and it’s a nice time of the year to be outside.  Plus, what is better than sharing your love of mountain biking with a kid or anyone for that matter?  It is also great to get kids started mountain biking early.  That way they learn to love the outdoors at an early age.  While it is probably too late to formally register a local event you can still use the interactive map to try to find an event near you (map no longer exist).  If you still can’t find an event that is close, just take the family out to the trails for a nice day of mountain biking.      

Photo Courtesy of IMBA
Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day.  Photo Courtesy of IMBA

USFS Filming Permit

If you haven’t heard about it, there has been somewhat of a controversy concerning the United States Forest Service (USFS).  The USFS proposed a permit and fee to permanently required for still photography and commercial filming on National Forest Service Lands.  However, if you are taking pictures or filming for news, the directive would not apply.  Furthermore, the USFS Chief states that a permit will not be required unless it involves the use actors, props, or models; filming in areas that the general population is denied access; or  filming which causes additional administrative costs.  While I am no expert in legalese, it would appear small-time bloggers like myself will be ok with the new directive in place.  If you would like to read the USFS’s proposed directive, you can check it out here.

The NPS announces Free Admission Days

The National Park Service has recently announced the nine days in 2015 when it will have free admission to any national park.  I know it will be busy during those days, but take advantage of the savings and discover nature.  Take the family, maybe a date, or go alone and learn a little about yourself.  But remember this is only for admission.  It won’t cover extras like campsites, so plan accordingly.  The free admission days are as follows:
  • January 19: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • February 14-16: Presidents Day weekend
  • April 18 & 19: National Park Week’s opening weekend
  • August 25: National Park Service’s 99th birthday
  • September 26: National Public Lands Day
  • November 11: Veterans Day

Bonus News:  GoLite Sale

If you are looking for a sale on hiking equipment, GoLite (out of business) is having a 96-hour sale starting today.  I have no affiliation with GoLite; I just think it could be worth your time to check it out if you are bargain hunter (I know I am!)

Let me know what you think of the latest new or share other important news.  Also, if you like the blog, please follow us on Facebook.

Jarrett Morgan


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